A Swan Custom Pavilion in Pembroke, MA

Derek’s family had a pool, but the sun was their biggest enemy. It was just too hot in the middle of the day to enjoy their backyard. Derek started looking online at different solutions and began entertaining the idea of a pavilion. As he was driving by our location one day, he decided to stop in. He was excited to actually touch the product and see the different types of finishes that were available. He also liked that we would not only build the structure for him but could also recommend and install the proper foundation.

Derek decided on a vinyl pavilion with a back wall. Now he and his family can enjoy their backyard and stay cool even in the heat of the day.

Does your pool area suffer from a lack of shade from the bright rays of sun? Consider building a custom-made pavilion with Outdoor Personia!

Vinyl Pavilion with Back Wall in Pembroke, Massachusetts

This project includes the following Outdoor Personia brands:

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If you’ve been dreaming of your own backyard building, we’d love to design and custom-build a structure that’s just right for you. Feel free to contact one of our expert design consultants today!

“Great product, great company, great crew. What else can I say? Thanks for making it easy!”

~ Derek L.

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