Custom 10×18 Vinyl Pergola in Franklin, MA

Tegra Medical, a worldwide medical device manufacturer, was planning a new outdoor patio area complete with picnic tables for employees to enjoy breaktimes during all shifts at their Franklin, MA headquarters. The space designated for this patio is unfortunately located in direct sunlight so they needed a shade solution to provide a more comfortable experience. Outdoor Personia was contacted by their facilities manager to discuss his company’s vision for this patio project and to introduce us to their commercial landscape architect.

Our Sales & Design Consultant then visited the location at Tegra to review the whole area and take complete measurements before making a final proposal. After discussing various options with our client, we then recommended a Swan Custom 10′ x 18′ Vinyl Pergola.

Once we were included in this project’s team it was important for us to mutually share all the details and expectations to keep everyone moving forward on the same schedule. Outdoor Personia was involved during each step of the process and after the stone patio was completed by the hardscaping crew we delivered and installed the pergola.

The team at Tegra Medical Devices was thrilled with the beautiful vinyl pergola that now provides a shady break area to sit under while spending time with friends and co-workers.

Outdoor Personia custom-builds pergolas for both commercial and residential clients throughout all of New England, so feel free to contact one of our expert design consultants today!

Custom 10'x18' Vinyl Pergola

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