Another Great Day of Serving Others

The Outdoor Personia Team gives back during the October “Day of Charitable Giving!

2 photo collage of the Outdoor Personia Team cleaning up someone's backyard and stripping the old paint off of someone's deck in preparation for a new coat of paint

One of Outdoor Personia’s core values is Community Involvement. As a faith-based organization, we believe it is our obligation to give to those less fortunate during periodical days of charitable giving. Founder and owner, Marcus Wenger, reinforces our commitment of charity by quoting from Proverbs: “Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor.”

3 photo collage of the Outdoor Personia Team helping people with their problems

The Outdoor Personia Team gathered the morning of October 4th to volunteer for full day of community service. We divided up into groups to each visit one of our neighbors in need of assistance. The projects ranged in scope from replacing an old drafty window sash to repairing rotting planks on an aging barn. Another neighbor’s wheelchair ramp was in much need of sanding, paint, and structural repairs to make it safer. We fixed up a home’s vinyl siding and then it was off for some serious heavy lifting and transformed a friend’s property by leveling the terrain and removing a ton of boulders!

3 Photo Collage of the Outdoor Personia Team helping other people

We are always thankful for our amazing Team and feel blessed to have these opportunities to demonstrate our pledge of giving back to those who need support.

The Outdoor Personia Team

Do you know of anyone in your own community that may be in need of assistance? Periodically, we are proud to offer our services to our neighbors in need so please feel free to get in touch with us and tell us your story.

About the author: Marcus Wenger is the Owner & General Manager of Outdoor Personia. With years of experience in building and selling outdoor structures and furniture, he enjoys leading his team in helping customers better enjoy their outdoor living spaces. Marcus provided inspiration for this article and collaborated with a copywriter to produce it. Contact Marcus at 508.883.4043 with any questions or comments regarding this article

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